Friday, August 20, 2010

Photoshop/picture ideas??

I'm really bored and I've taught myself how to use Adobe photoshop but it feels like I've completely run out of ideas. Any inspiration for me?

Photoshop/picture ideas??virus protection software

Check out this guy's site:

Using image editing to make something out of nothing.


Photoshop/picture ideas??adware

Here is a valentines day card I made for myself.

%26lt;a href='' title=''V-Card by JustineHarbin, on Flickr''%26gt;%26lt;img src='' width=''500'' height=''333'' alt=''V-Card'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
Take your camera in hand and go for a walk, examining everything you see. After you view your images on your computer monitor, take notes and then go out and shoot more of the subjects you like the best.

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